
Coffee talk with Don Tapscott

Technologies of The Fourth Industrial Revolution How Blockchain Fits In by Don Tapscott
Technologies of The Fourth Industrial Revolution
How Blockchain Fits In

It's a wonderful experience to have a coffee talk with Don Tapscott, and he agreed with me to use the slide above. We talked about the talent shortage, myth of "digital economy" in Taiwan. I summarized the coffee talk in the yesterday afternoon:
  1. The personality of future talent must be aggressive, full of curiosity, smart and brave, much brave. There's no "digital talent". Many people know using technology products and some people work in technology area, some are technologist.
  2. Digital Economy is the way of our life now, not a special area.
  3. Maybe we should have a multi-stakeholder group for economic issue, people from government officials, think tanks, each industry and citizens, maybe 25 people taskforce group, discuss about the economy of the future, maybe talking about to have a law to digital economy or not.
  4. Blockchain can bring the second generation revolution. AI, machine Learning, IoT, autonomous driving, robot, etc., the fundamental is blockchain.
  5. Read the report of industrial 4.0 from Davos.
  6. Read the new edition book of the Digital Economy.
  7. Chinese edition of Blockchain Revolution will published in this May. And we can buy English edition in Amazon.

Don Tapscott with the Chinese edition book of Digital Revolution
Don Tapscott with the Chinese edition book of Digital Revolution

Don Tapscott and me
Don Tapscott and me



Power and Information in Digital Governance: The Influence of Tech Giants and the Challenges of Media Literacy

I do not have enough time to organize a team or invite panelists to a roundtable discussion in APrIGF 2024. I have listed some interesting issues for anyone who wants to send proposals to APrIGF 2024 or anyone who wants to discuss these issues in any Internet Governance Forum (IGF). As an observer of the internet or digital technology policy and development, I raise my concerns about how the government regulates the internet technology of tech giant companies and how people enhance media literacy. 1. The Tech Giants may control our lives and be stronger than the government.  Last year, Microsoft announced plans to invest 2.5 billion pound s in artificial intelligence infrastructure in the UK. Of course, The UK government welcomes the investment. Any government welcomes foreign enterprises' investment in emerging technology, especially in cyber(AI or internet)security, talent education, semiconductors, or other technology infrastructures. At the same time, the UK Competition Marke


書名:偷書賊(THE Book Thief) 作者:Markus Zusak ISBN:9789866973420 作者網站: Markus Zusak 譯者:呂玉嬋 出版:木馬文化 封面取自博客來網路書局。 購買於小小書房。 這個夏天讀《偷書賊》和《失物之書》,會在兩本不同的故事裡看到同一個時空背景所發生的故事,同樣是發生在孩子身上的事,同樣在說文字的力量,但《偷書賊》的節奏比《失物之書》緩慢一些。我盡量不要比較這兩本書,因為這是很無聊的事,但在閱讀的過程裡總驚訝這兩個故事有那麼多巧合之處,不是情節上的相似,而是在人物角色和背景總是有相似或是對立的情況出現。 《偷書賊》的女主角是被德國夫妻領養的莉賽爾,原本也要一同被領養的莉賽爾的弟弟卻死於火車上,莉賽爾在遭受與父母分離及弟弟的死亡後,在精神上受了極大的創傷,幸運的是領養她的父母是故事書中最仁慈的角色,給了莉賽爾完整的愛,不同於此時期裡其他的孩子可能瀕臨餓死或是送入集中營或是在街頭流浪被流彈波及,莉賽爾因為養父母的照顧和周遭的朋友、躲在地下室的猶太人…還有偏愛她的死神。 這個故事的特別處之一,敘述者不是主角或是任何一個書中的角色,而是沒有時空限制,總是旁觀的第三者,特別是在二戰的年代,無所不在的死神,戰場、集中營、巷弄裡,特別的是,這個死神總是想要表現祂冷酷無情和輕蔑人類的一面,但實際上我們從書中讀到的,是祂憐憫人類、輕視、無奈、驚訝人類的個性,也像人類一樣會抱怨工作、具有詩意、幽默感,也就是具有人性的一面: 人類只有在一天的開始與結束時,才會觀察顏色的變化。 但是對我而言,一天當中,每個短暫片刻都呈現出不同的色度與調性。 光是一個小時的時間,就包含了幾千種不同的顏色:蜜蠟黃、柔絲藍、陰鬱黑。 我是做這行的,當然特別注意顏色的變化。 …她貫徹始終,只要經過三十三號的門口,從沒有忘記吐痰,還會外加一句「死豬」。我發現德國人有個特點:他們真的很愛豬。 這個具有人性的死神成了說書者,祂說著在戰時會發生在任何一個角落的故事,然而我們透過祂的眼睛,看到一個帶著色彩、煙硝味濃厚、心驚膽跳與眼淚的故事,祂不儘是旁觀者,同時也是貫穿整個故事的主要角色之一。 整個故事讀起來有對納粹主義的不滿也有對當時情況的無奈。裡面對於創傷後壓力症候群( PTSD )的描寫也很貼切,莉賽爾和猶太人麥克斯分別經歷了不同程度的打擊,也產生了同樣的症狀,


2017年三月的第三個星期,台灣的立法院裡發生了兩件事,一件是國民黨的許毓仁委員召開了第二次的「數位經濟基本法」草案公聽會,另一件事則是民進黨的余宛如委員等11人,成立了「 立法院數位國家促進會 」。配合了年初行政院科技會報所發布的「 數位國家•創新經濟發展方案(簡稱DIGI+) 」,可以感受到新政府積極想要有所作為的各種行為。 台灣各方對於「數位經濟」的定義,一直都是模糊、充滿不明確、僅提供大方向的描述,但若要立法,法律是需要明確定義的規則,模糊的方向可能會導致行政資源的浪費,在日後也可能對於整體社會發展有不利的未來。 從定義來看,先查尋維基百科: Digital economy refers to an economy that is based on digital computing technologies. The digital economy is also sometimes called the Internet Economy, the New Economy, or Web Economy.  「數位經濟」是指基於數位運算科技的經濟體系。有時也被稱為網路經濟、新經濟或網絡經濟。 在維基百科的頁面下方則提到「數位經濟」這個詞彙最早出現於 Don Tapscott 在1995年出版的《 The Digital Economy: Promise and Peril in the Age of Networked Intelligence 》一書當中,作者認為數位經濟的基本需要以下的要素:   The digital economy requires a new kind of businessperson: one who has the curiosity and confidence to let go of old mental models and old paradigms; one who tempers the needs for business growth and profit with the requirements of employees, customers, and society for privacy, fairness, and a share in the wealth he or