
IGF 2017 highlights need for greater dialogue

Recently I participated remotely in my first Internet Governance Forum — IGF 2017 — which was held at the United Nations Office in Geneva, Switzerland from 18 to 21 December.

From the comfort of our offices and homes, I (along with 1,660 other remote participants) was able to listen to and participate in a range of multistakeholder discussions surrounding emerging technologies and Internet governance-related issues on the theme of Shape Your Digital Future!

Gaps between technical communities and policy makers

Dialogue is an important component of the multistakeholder model — multiple parties come together to contextualize a problem and resolve it through information exchange. That said, it is difficult for different groups to let go of preconceptions.

In some sessions, there were participants that were solely of the opinion that policy is the first priority, and that technical problems can’t be stated in the policy or explained to people.

These people need to think widely; they also need to have the ability to translate what people want in policies and adjust them accordingly. That said, it is difficult to translate opinions from technical communities to policy makers, which only strengthens the need for clear communication and dialogue.

Gaps between developed and developing economies

The Internet has become a commonplace utility for many. In my home, Taiwan, Internet penetration is among the highest and most affordable in the world. However, for many people the Internet is still a luxury.

I found from participating at the IGF that this gap, between developed and developing economies, brings with it varying priorities:
  • Developed economies talked about trust, cybersecurity, governance and policies, surveillance, ethical issues, and emerging technologies such as the Internet of Things and Blockchain.
  • Developing economies talked about infrastructure, rights to access the Internet, affordable Internet, quality education, as well as human rights and safety issues.
Needless to say, the discussion about the Internet has evolved from the haves and have-nots, which is why such multistakeholder mechanisms like the IGF are important for planning for the future development of the Internet. Different stakeholders sit together to discuss and find the solution, and people can learn from each other and consider other people’s perspectives, needs and experiences.

Language may be the largest barrier

More than 2,000 participants from 142 economies, representing all stakeholder groups and regions, attended IGF 2017 in person.

The IGF provides translation services to allow attendees — in person and remotely — to understand speakers so long as they speak in any of the six UN official languages: English, Chinese, French, Arabic, Spanish and Russian — most sessions were in English.

Although this allows a large majority of people to easily share and understand each other’s views, it does impact the experience of those whom such language is a second or third language, particularly those from Asia Pacific economies. Some topics are difficult enough to explain in your own language let alone trying to interpret their meaning for another language.

Obviously, it would be great to get more people adding to the dialogue in their native language, but how can we make it more convenient?

Besides inclusion of language, respect for religion, culture and customs is also important to encourage people to share their opinions.

I learned how to work on the Internet

IGF 2017 wasn’t all about listening to discussions. I was able to participate in working groups, including the NRIs working group. It was a great experience to collaborate with people (whom I’ve never met in different economies and time zones) on working documents, and discuss issues on mailing lists and in online meetings.

Wish for more people to join IGF

It is difficult for young people in Asian economies, particularly students, to sit with government officials and talk about Internet or government policies — it can be overwhelming and they may feel they do not have enough experience to share.

At the closing plenary, Jianne Soriano said, “Being young is not a disadvantage, it is a strength.” It’s great that the IGF understands the need to include the opinions and ideas of younger people in discussions that are ultimately shaping their future.

This message is something that I’m looking forward to taking back to and implementing at the Taiwan IGF, and to hopefully encourage more younger participants to IGF 2018.

This article is published on APNIC Blog. Robert Mitchell, the editor has edited it.




書名:偷書賊(THE Book Thief) 作者:Markus Zusak ISBN:9789866973420 作者網站: Markus Zusak 譯者:呂玉嬋 出版:木馬文化 封面取自博客來網路書局。 購買於小小書房。 這個夏天讀《偷書賊》和《失物之書》,會在兩本不同的故事裡看到同一個時空背景所發生的故事,同樣是發生在孩子身上的事,同樣在說文字的力量,但《偷書賊》的節奏比《失物之書》緩慢一些。我盡量不要比較這兩本書,因為這是很無聊的事,但在閱讀的過程裡總驚訝這兩個故事有那麼多巧合之處,不是情節上的相似,而是在人物角色和背景總是有相似或是對立的情況出現。 《偷書賊》的女主角是被德國夫妻領養的莉賽爾,原本也要一同被領養的莉賽爾的弟弟卻死於火車上,莉賽爾在遭受與父母分離及弟弟的死亡後,在精神上受了極大的創傷,幸運的是領養她的父母是故事書中最仁慈的角色,給了莉賽爾完整的愛,不同於此時期裡其他的孩子可能瀕臨餓死或是送入集中營或是在街頭流浪被流彈波及,莉賽爾因為養父母的照顧和周遭的朋友、躲在地下室的猶太人…還有偏愛她的死神。 這個故事的特別處之一,敘述者不是主角或是任何一個書中的角色,而是沒有時空限制,總是旁觀的第三者,特別是在二戰的年代,無所不在的死神,戰場、集中營、巷弄裡,特別的是,這個死神總是想要表現祂冷酷無情和輕蔑人類的一面,但實際上我們從書中讀到的,是祂憐憫人類、輕視、無奈、驚訝人類的個性,也像人類一樣會抱怨工作、具有詩意、幽默感,也就是具有人性的一面: 人類只有在一天的開始與結束時,才會觀察顏色的變化。 但是對我而言,一天當中,每個短暫片刻都呈現出不同的色度與調性。 光是一個小時的時間,就包含了幾千種不同的顏色:蜜蠟黃、柔絲藍、陰鬱黑。 我是做這行的,當然特別注意顏色的變化。 …她貫徹始終,只要經過三十三號的門口,從沒有忘記吐痰,還會外加一句「死豬」。我發現德國人有個特點:他們真的很愛豬。 這個具有人性的死神成了說書者,祂說著在戰時會發生在任何一個角落的故事,然而我們透過祂的眼睛,看到一個帶著色彩、煙硝味濃厚、心驚膽跳與眼淚的故事,祂不儘是旁觀者,同時也是貫穿整個故事的主要角色之一。 整個故事讀起來有對納粹主義的不滿也有對當時情況的無奈。裡面對於創傷後壓力症候群( PTSD )的描寫也很貼切,莉賽爾和猶太人麥克斯分別經歷了不同程度的打擊,也產生了同樣的症狀,

[movie]記憶中失落的迷人氣味 Perfume

書本: Perfume: The Story of Muder 香水 作者:Patrick Suskind 徐四金 譯者:洪翠娥 出版社:皇冠 電影:Perfume: The Story of Muder 香水 導演:Tom Tykwer 演員:Ben Whishaw, Dustin Hoffman, Alan Rickman, Rachel Hurd-Wood 原聲帶: Perfume: The Story of a Murder - O.S.T. 在博客來網路書局買香水電影原聲帶 配樂:Berliner Philharmoniker 柏林愛樂交響樂團演奏 相信有不少人都看過德國作家徐四金所寫的著名小說《香水》,對這部電影的上映也是又期待又害怕。今天和排休的偉展兩個人到中和國賓影城看了這部電影後,都覺得這電影票錢花得值得,而且也意猶味盡的準備買下DVD和原聲帶。 雖然說這部電影在上映時,作者並未出席首映會,但對於讀者來說,雖然電影的部份有做部份的修改,刪掉書中的部份情節,忽略了小說開頭最重要的部份,但仍是相當好看的,在配樂上、男主角的確有詮釋出 葛奴乙 對於香氣保存的渴望與對氣味的貪婪,由其是他臉上的肌肉會因為對氣味貪婪而顫動著,難怪導演選角選了很久。 在目前所能看到的商業活動文宣裡都提到葛奴乙生來是沒有氣味的,這點其實有些問題。他並非天生就沒有氣味的,在書裡,他出生在一個非常炎熱與臭味衝天的環境裡,小說裡是這麼寫的: 「這種臭她感覺起來不像別的臭,而只更像一種令人受不了的醉人的東西,像百合田,或像放太多黃水仙的密封房間」 因為這醉人的香氣,她暈了過去並滾到路面上,雖然醒來繼續做生意,但沒多久就上斷頭台了(電影裡是受絞刑)。所以葛奴乙並非是生來無氣味的,在我的解讀裡,他一生中的氣味就在出生的那一剎那散發了出來,也許是回饋給那位沒愛過他且嗅覺已遲鈍的年輕母親。然而一個剛出生的嬰兒會有這樣的味道其實也不尋常,嬰兒的味道其實是一種甜甜的蜂蜜牛奶香,暖呼呼的,當然還帶著點尿布的味道,書裡也有描寫,但如果沒有確實的聞到嬰兒身上的香氣,其實很難想像出來。 這也是這部小說和電影成功的地方。在小說的剛開頭章節裡,幾乎都是對於氣味的描寫,讀者要一邊閱讀著文字,大腦裡還要一邊將文字處理成氣味的記憶,但平凡如我,也無法聞過所有的香氣,有


保護個人資料可能是各行各業的一個重要議題,不止增加了企業的資安相關成本也增加了法遵成本。尤其是需要跨國傳輸(個人)資料的企業,除了要配合各國的資料保護法(規範、規則)外,也要擔心資料外洩事件後續的成本,還有許多額外的行政手續。許多國家已經感受到資料流動的重要性,也紛紛的透過數位經濟協議、各種雙邊或多邊協議,來減輕企業跨境傳輸資料時的相關成本,以促進(數位)經濟發展,例如2018年時,美國、墨西哥、加拿大已簽署「美國-墨西哥-加拿大協定」(United States, Mexico, and Canada Agreement),讓這三個國家的企業可以在北美境內自由傳輸資料。 2019年由日本前首安倍晉三在世界經濟論壇和2019年的G20大阪峰會中提出提出「Data Free Flow with Trust」(簡稱DFFT),其核心概念是「基於信任的資料流通」。這樣的概念主要是建立彼此信任的跨境資料傳輸,促進資料自由流動,同時確保對隱私、安全和智慧財產權之信任。 在2019年G20大阪峰會時就已談出了DFFT的發展概念,2021年時已擬定發展的藍圖。當時也討論了所謂的資料在地化、資料主權等議題,並且也有著「資料的連結與使用是可提升生產力的重要因素,限制跨境資料流動,會是國際貿易體系的沉重成本之一,且資料在地化的要求可能會提高企業的生產與法遵成本」之共識。 到了2023年,因當時聯合國網路治理論壇(UN IGF)在日本京都舉辦、及G7日本廣島峰會的緣故,DFFT的概念再次被提出,且被熱烈討論著。G7廣島峰會裡則是建立了夥伴關係機制 (Institutional Arrangement for Partnership,IAP),並由OECD擔任協調的單位,來建立所謂的IAP;日本的JICA(Japan International Cooperation Agency)也在UN IGF 中提出執行 DFFT 之相關倡議。 如果有興趣進一步了解DFFT,可以閱讀: Digital Agency, Data Free Flow with Trust (DFFT) , World Economist Forum, Data Free Flow with Trust (DFFT): Paths towards Free and Trusted Data Flows 網路上的資料很多,