

參與 APRICOT 2018 心得 (1)

去年是我第一次參與 APNIC (註1) 會議,由於在台中,占了地利之便,很輕鬆的可以參與,同時與許多亞太地區的人有所交流。其他國家的參與者們除了讚嘆台中是個很棒的地方、台上的致詞者出現蛇肉湯讓與會者摸不著頭緒外,也有一位中國的參與廠商告訴我:「其實我是因為參與 APRICOT(2017) 所以才來台灣參與  APNIC44 …有機會的話,妳要參與 APRICOT (Asia Pacific Regional Internet on Operational Technologies )。APRICOT 比 APNIC 更盛大,妳會遇到更多人,對妳的研究會更有協助。」同時,在 APNIC 認識的好朋友 Adli Wahid 也鼓勵我再參與 APRICOT ,可以認識更多不同的業者及觀察到更多與 APNIC 不同的面貌。 基於去年在 APNIC44 的經驗當我知道 APRICOT 2018 辦在尼泊爾時,我想,我一定要去。幾經波折,我終於成功到達加德滿都,也擁有了令我難忘的經驗。 在寫自己的心得前,先翻譯一下關於 APRICOT 2018 報告中的相關數字: 報名人數:1,020人 經濟體系代表:64個 APNIC 成員組織代表:247個 現場參與:752人(已扣除APNIC 職員) 透過 Adobe Connect遠端參與者:71人(依據Adobe Connect 提供的數據,計算不重覆的 IP 並已排除現場參與者、 APNIC 職員) 透過 YouTube 遠端參與者:1,589 個觀看數;共被瀏覽了 12,998 分鐘 #APRICOT2018 的tweets數:931筆(談論數)

[Ranking] 2017貪腐感知評比 CPI

Corruption Perceptions Index 2017 by Transparency International 雖然二月份的產出會減少許多,但看到國際透明組織 (Transparency International,簡稱 TI) 在 2 月 21 日公布了2017年的「 貪腐感知指數 (Corruption Perception Index 簡稱 CPI) 」,簡單在此整理自己的心得。

參與 1 月 11 日的「資通安全管理法」公聽會感想

如果有人讀過由去年諾貝爾經濟學奬得主 Richard H. Thaler 的《 不當行為 》,也許就會開始學習如何當一個理性的經濟學者,而不被衝動或個人習慣沖昏頭進行不當的消費。書中所提到的一些概念其實更可以運用在各個場域裡,包括已參與幾次的座談會到今日公聽會的「資通安全管理法」。 法學專家們的疑問 大概整理了幾點: 如何避免技術性的規避或離開市場? 行政救濟的相關事項。 擬這套法案時參考美國、日本、新加坡等這些國家的依據是什麼?是經濟或科技發展情況還是剛好搜尋到這個國家有這套法律,所以拿來用? 這部「資通安全管理法」的主管機關是台灣的行政院,行政院主要是整合政策的功能,本身無執法的能力,僅能要求被管制者義務執行,也就是主管機關的管制責任是空虛的。 參考的國家都有編制專責的單位與規劃預算,如果在台灣這套法令通過了,開始實行了,有編制的人力嗎?執行的能力嗎?可能沒有。 「資通安全管理法」有主管機關,但「個人資料保護法」沒有主管機關。這兩部法一樣重要,但為什麼會有這樣的差異?

IGF 2017 highlights need for greater dialogue

Recently I participated remotely in my first Internet Governance Forum —  IGF 2017  — which was held at the United Nations Office in Geneva, Switzerland from 18 to 21 December. From the comfort of our offices and homes, I (along with 1,660 other remote participants) was able to listen to and participate in a range of multistakeholder discussions surrounding emerging technologies and Internet governance-related issues on the theme of Shape Your Digital Future! Gaps between technical communities and policy makers Dialogue is an important component of the multistakeholder model — multiple parties come together to contextualize a problem and resolve it through information exchange. That said, it is difficult for different groups to let go of preconceptions.

Coffee talk with Don Tapscott

Technologies of The Fourth Industrial Revolution How Blockchain Fits In It's a wonderful experience to have a coffee talk with Don Tapscott, and he agreed with me to use the slide above. We talked about the talent shortage, myth of "digital economy" in Taiwan. I summarized the coffee talk in the yesterday afternoon: The personality of future talent must be aggressive, full of curiosity, smart and brave, much brave. There's no "digital talent". Many people know using technology products and some people work in technology area, some are technologist. Digital Economy is the way of our life now, not a special area. Maybe we should have a multi-stakeholder group for economic issue, people from government officials, think tanks, each industry and citizens, maybe 25 people taskforce group, discuss about the economy of the future, maybe talking about to have a law to digital economy or not. Blockchain can bring the second generation revolution. AI, mach